Geminate Consultancy Services

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Geminate comes with features to autoset purchased product lot expiry dates. It helps you to auto/manual set expiration dates in the purchase order line and set expiration dates on lots & serial numbers based on the purchase order line. users can manually or automatically fill expiration dates based on configuration.

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Geminate comes with a feature of export point of sale order report by 'Session' / 'Cashier'. it exports data in such a manner of grouping of session's order or cashier's order under their session. It provides subtotal of orders based on their session or cashiers which helps to analyze total sales by cashier or by session at the end of the day. You can easily filter out data based on Cashier and Session. It is a very quick way to filter out and get the count of all POS Orders available in a particular selected Type with total of all Orders also Grand total of all Session.

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Geminate comes with a feature of export point of sale order report by 'Session' / 'Cashier'. it exports data in such a manner of grouping of session's order or cashier's order under their session. It provides subtotal of orders based on their session or cashiers which helps to analyze total sales by cashier or by session at the end of the day. You can easily filter out data based on Cashier and Session. It is a very quick way to filter out and get the count of all POS Orders available in a particular selected Type with total of all Orders also Grand total of all Session.

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Geminate comes with the features of print invoice directly from receipt screen of point of sale. it will help you to print receipts and invoices both together from the same screen instead of the standard feature of either creating a receipt or creating an invoice at the point of sale.

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Geminate comes with the features of encrypt / decrypt web attachment files. it helps you to protect your confidential attachment files. whenever user wants to download encrypted files, user will prompt a window in which a password can be entered to access the encrypted data after decryption.

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Geminate comes with feature of encryption for data of fields. It helps to encrypt field data for specific users which provides data security for users. Encryption mechanism works for all kind of data display like PDF + Excel export and all of the web views in backend. You can easily manage data encryption for a specific user and it does not work in datetime, binary and monetary fields.

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Geminate comes with a feature of 'Taiwanese Calendar' in calendarview. it works for day view, week view, month view and year view under calendarview. it is automatically applied on all types of calendar views of different database objects like sale order, manufacturing order, event and meetings.

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Geminate comes with a feature of 'Activation' and 'Deactivation' of multiple languages in a single click. it helps to activate and deactivate language for backend ERP and website as well as overwrite existing translated terms. by using this quick way, users can save a huge amount of time. easiest to translate and review in multiple languages.

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Geminate comes with a feature for easily adding many2many tags in any formviews and listviews. just put a comma (",") after any new tag and it will create automatically and append into your m2m list. it will help to add multiple tags easily by just using the keyboard and no need to tap on the create button. another benefit of this module is you can copy all the tags which are configured in view by using the copy button. it will help to combine the tags in one string and that string will be used for external resources easily.

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Geminate comes with a feature for website customers to upload the attachment from the product line and on order in the shopping cart. attachment can be video, audio, pdf, document, xls etc. any kind of with a size limit of 5 MB. Benefit of this feature allows customers to provide additional information related to their product or order for example, if a customer wants to buy a mug with special preferences of size, shade, color and design so they can easily prepare some document and attach it to individual product lines. It is completely mobile responsive which provides a perfect view for attachment from the product line on the shopping cart.

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Geminate comes with features to allow user specific menu access control. manager or users with 'Settings' menu access can configure user specific menus, sub menus and child menus. key benefit of these features is, you can allow end users to access only limited menus depending on their role and you can control their access easily by configuring allowed menus for them.

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Geminate comes with a feature of 'Taiwanese Datepicker'. it shows both 'Gregorian' and 'Taiwanese' datepicker. you can enable both gregorian and taiwanese date/datetime together for display or only one based on configuration.

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Geminate comes with a feature for multiple attachments management by downloading attachments as a single ZIP file. Download selected attachments in a single zip file will helps to reduce storage capacity and create a group of attachments for external use. It will also used for download single attachment file as a zip file to reduce original size of file. Downloaded zip file contains downloaded date time in their name to identify the zip files by date and time.

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Geminate comes with a feature to preview point of sale orders before validating them. it provides an on demand 'Preview' button on the payment screen. you can preview or print receipts as well before final validation.

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Geminate comes with a feature to provide preview of 'Product Catalogue' in pdf format on website product page instead of downloading it. we are providing a quick way to review content of 'Product Catalogue' pdf document with a single click on button. It will open a popup window where you can go through the content of the pdf. it supports extra tools like zoom in / out, rotate clockwise / anti-clockwise, and jump to specific page numbers within the pdf. It is completely mobile responsive which provides a perfect view for any long 'Product Catalogue' pdf document with enough zooming facility and dragging along with page content.

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Geminate comes with features to allow users to print invoice reports by grouping of delivery orders which is made by merging multiple sale orders. Whatever user has enabled the access group of "Allow Invoice Report Groupby DO", they get extra privilege to use this feature.

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Geminate comes with a feature to auto set email's reply_to alias based on company specific. It provides an additional field to configure reply_to alias under company settings and it will autoset based on the active company of the logged in user.

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