Geminate Consultancy Services
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Geminate comes with features to smooth your support system with less manpower with the help of Wit AI chatbot. We provide you a fully configurable support channel with enable/disable Wit AI chatbot, type of communication in related channels with help of category of support and even you can assign as many as operators under channel based on their expertise. We are sending complete communication chat history to customers in terms of managing the quality of our support system and gathering valuable feedback from them as well. Additionally it works in a multi company environment as well.
October 2021 | Geminate Consultancy Services
Geminate comes with a feature to produce manufacturing orders in bulk. they can be fresh MO(s) in draft stage OR they are already started and partially finished, still you can produce them and finish the production upto Done stage. so no need to do it one by one and their workorder's one by one. so it will save a lot of time of your manufacturing process.
October 2021 | Geminate Consultancy Services
Geminate comes with a feature to produce multiple work order(s) on a single click regardless of different manufacturing order(s). Features:- - WO mass production process upto 'Finished' stage including routing and non-routing scenarios. - Raise a warning if selected WO(s) are 'Finished' already. - Supports routing and non routing. - Speed up your manufacturing process will bulk of production - Quick and easy
October 2021 | Geminate Consultancy Services
Geminate comes with a feature to produce manufacturing orders in bulk. they can be fresh MO(s) in draft stage OR they are already started and partially finished, still you can produce them and finish the production upto Done stage. so no need to do it one by one and their workorder's one by one. so it will save a lot of time of your manufacturing process.
October 2021 | Geminate Consultancy Services
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