Geminate Consultancy Services
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Geminate comes with a feature of show weather information on project based on natural calamities. weather information mainly covers current precipitation, humidity, wind, sunset, sunrise and temperature of current logged in user's location. it provides information of daily and hourly weather automatically.
November 2021 | Geminate Consultancy Services
Geminate comes with a feature of show weather information on project based on natural calamities. weather information mainly covers current precipitation, humidity, wind, sunset, sunrise and temperature of current logged in user's location. it provides information of daily and hourly weather automatically.
November 2021 | Geminate Consultancy Services
Geminate comes with a feature of show weather information on project based on natural calamities. weather information mainly covers current precipitation, humidity, wind, sunset, sunrise and temperature of current logged in user's location. it provides information of daily and hourly weather automatically.
November 2021 | Geminate Consultancy Services
Geminate comes with a feature of Project Sub Projects. it allows you to divide your main project in multiple sub projects to divide the project plan into multiple phases. you can assign different levels of roles to those sub projects or projects like User, Project Coordinator, Admin. when manager is assigned as project coordinator then he can access his own project plus all sub projects within it. it shows warnings on projects and subprojects deletion. you can easily analyze the large project.
November 2021 | Geminate Consultancy Services
Geminate comes with an amazing feature for creating direct orders from websites. portal customers can directly add multiple products by searching with their name, SKU or barcode and selecting them. even they can add special notes for their product based on their special requirement. Additionally, we allow them to save their direct order as 'Template' so in the future they can reuse it for quick direct order instead of adding the same list of products manually again. We allow them to remove products or edit product qty even after the order is saved until it is confirmed. once it is the final order, customers can confirm it from the website itself.
November 2021 | Geminate Consultancy Services
Geminate comes with a feature of show weather information on project based on natural calamities. weather information mainly covers current precipitation, humidity, wind, sunset, sunrise and temperature of current logged in user's location. it provides information of daily and hourly weather automatically.
November 2021 | Geminate Consultancy Services
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