Geminate Global PWA

Geminate Global PWA

Geminate comes with a feature of PWA. Nowadays, PWA is more powerful, so it supports accurate UI using PWA with company-specific design when you have a multi-company environment. Usually it comes with two options, one is global PWA settings where UI and layout of PWA windows will designed from general settings and second option is very beneficial when you have multiple companies in the same database and you want different PWAs for each company with their own logo, name and images.

The benefit of this feature is, you can create a PWA shortcut either in your computer or mobile device and by using this shortcut, you can install the PWA Shortcut App. By the use of this module you can also change the background color and theme color of the shortcut app. If you want to apply the company specific "PWA settings", but the company has not enabled PWA configuration then it will enable global PWA from general settings. so either way it works for you.

While the server is offline and if you open the website, PWA will post an offline message on the website and when the server is online, it will automatically reload the page. the beauty of this feature is, your user will not be upset or shocked by losing access to the website and getting boring errors or tracebacks.
Exciting Features

Note: Extensively Tested on Odoo Vanilla with Ubuntu OS

Go to Settings → PWA Settings
It supports global PWA settings where UI and layout of PWA windows will designed from general settings.
It also supports multiple companies' environments where you want different PWAs for each company with their own logo, name and images.
Upload fixed size of image, for example :- Icon128 means 128 x 128 size Image.
Using "Background Color", you can manually change your device background color.
Using "Theme Color", you can manually change your device theme color.
Go to Settings → Users & Companies → Companies
If you want to apply the company specific "PWA settings", but the company has not enabled PWA configuration then it will enable global PWA from general settings.
"PWA Shortcut" section will help to create app shortcut.
Note:- Link must be except domain.
Click on Install button to install PWA APP.
PWA Shortcut
While the server is offline and if you open the website, PWA will post an offline message on the website and when the server is online, it will automatically reload the page.
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