Geminate Livechat with Scripted Bot

Geminate Livechat with Scripted Bot

602.00 559.86 559.86 USD


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Geminate comes with feature to smooth your support system with less man power with help of scripted chatbot. We provides fully configurable support channel with enable/disable chatbot, private chat, type of communication in related channel with help of category of support and even you can assign as many as operators under channel based on their expertise.

We are sending complete communication chat history to customers in terms to manage quality of our support system and gethering valuable feedback from them as well. Additionally it works in multi company envrionment as well.

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Exciting Features

Enables scripted chatbot.
Support multiple support category channel specific.
One to one linked support operator with support cateogry and support channel.
Easy to walk through chat-history.
Auto mailing of 'Transcript' to customers for review / feedback purpose.
Flexible to enable and disable scripted chatbot on your demand.
Support multi companies.
In-built ticket management system with user-friendly analytical pdf reports.

Note: Extensively Tested on Odoo Vanilla with Ubuntu OS


Submit your Query or Issue and chat with Channel Operator.

Fill-up the form and submit your issue and wait for channel operator's response.

Chat conversation between customer and sales team chat bot (Geminate Bot).

Give a rating after you have finished chat with channel operator.

Backend Configuration

1. Support Category

2. Configure support category for channel operator & multi company wise

3. Channel Configuration

4. Online Helpdesk

5. When customer submit's a form new support ticket will be generated

6. Preview of mail

7. Preview of channel operator report

* All the records from selected channel

* Manager - Has the Access to view the session of all the channel operator's.

* Self - Has the Access to view their own session.

8. Pre-configured terms ( shortcode ) and Answer ( Substitution ). Geminate Bot will send them when channel representative is busy with other customers and unavailable at that moment.

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309, City Center Arcade, Nr. ST Bus Station,

Krishnanagar, Ahmedabad,
Gujarat - 382345, India

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Sales : +91 (800) (047) (3006)
