Geminate Theme Weather Forecast

Geminate Theme Weather Forecast

Geminate comes with a facility of The Geminate Theme Weather Forecast app, it is a valuable addition to our software system,this app enhances website pages by dynamically incorporating real-time weather data based on the user's location. Whether the user is logged in or a public visitor, this app seamlessly retrieves weather information and displays engaging animations to enrich the user experience.

This app elevates the user experience on website pages by providing real-time weather details tailored to each user's location. This App intelligently fetches and updates weather information, offering a personalized touch for Users.

One of the key advantages of the Geminate Theme Weather Forecast app is that it transforms websites into dynamic and informative platforms, updating users with accurate weather details based on their geographical location. A game-changer for productivity and organization within our ERP software system.
Exciting Features

Note: Extensively Tested on Odoo Vanilla with Ubuntu OS

Go to "Settings"

Set Openweather API Key

Go to "Website"

Showing Weather Animation for User "Mitchel Admin" location.

Animation of Cloudy Weather.

Animation of Rainy Weather.

Animation of Snowy Weather.

Animation of Thunderstorm Weather.

Logout To Fetch Weather Animation for Public User.

Weather Animation Updated by Public User Location.

Changed location & fetched Weather Animation of Different Public User.

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