Mail SMTP and IMAP By Company All in One
Exciting Features
Company Wise Incoming and Outgoing Email Server.
Multiple alias domain configuration based on company.
Email aliases can have multiple domain selection.
Configure N number of email aliases with multiple domains and every email will fetch in the exact destination model as per configuration.
No limit of single website domain based email aliases.
Users can exactly represent the company under which they are working in terms of a multi company environment as you can configure multiple outgoing mail servers and it will automatically select based on the active company of the logged in user.
No email spoofing.
Fetching emails based on associated companies of incoming mail servers and 'Create a Record' will belong to that company only.
Autoset 'Reply-To' for email and messages based on email alias, alias domain name and active company and reply_to alias configured on company settings.
Multiple reply_to alias configuration based on company settings, one per each company.
Helps to sync and streamline the conversation with help of proper 'Reply-To'
Autoset 'FromEmail' for email and messages based on email_from alias configured on users settings.
Multiple email_from alias configuration based on users settings, one per each user.
Helps to sync and streamline the conversation with help of proper 'FromEmail'.
Easy to use and quick to configure.

Note: Extensively Tested on Odoo Vanilla with Ubuntu OS
Go to Settings -> Users & Companies -> Companies

Multi companies

Company configuration

Mail SMTP and IMAP + Alias Domain By Company
This feature to support multiple domain and multi company emailing system.
When you check the checkbox for the flow of the "Mail SMTP and IMAP + Alias Domain By Company" feature.

Go to Settings -> Technical -> Email -> Alias Domains

Create email Alias Domains associated with company.

Configure Domain Name that you want use for alias domain associated with company.

Go to Settings -> Technical -> Email -> Aliases

Create email Aliases with selection of alias domain configured in previous step.

List of all Aliases domainwise.

Go to Settings -> Technical -> Email -> Incoming Mail Servers

Create Incoming Mail Servers company wise.

Configuration of Incoming Mail Servers company specific.

List of Incoming Mail Servers company wise.

Go to Settings -> Technical -> Email -> Outgoing Mail Servers

Create Outgoing Mail Servers company wise.

Configuration of Outgoing Mail Servers company specific.

List of Outgoing Mail Servers company wise.

Email compose box with all the email address (aliases) configured with different domain. So we can
fetch incoming mail servers and pull the record company specific and domain specific.

After click on Fetch Now button of incoming mail server. All the email fetched in odoo and
divided in individual database tables based on email aliases we configured. Here it is.

Mail Reply To By Company
This feature to auto set email's reply_to alias based on company specific.
It provides an additional field to configure reply_to alias under company settings and it will autoset based on the active company of the logged in user.
When you click the checkbox for the flow of the "Mail Reply To By Company" feature.

Configuration of Companies, Incoming and Outgoing Mail Server and Alias Domain as per previous images.
Go to Settings -> Sales -> Orders -> Quotations

After configuration go to sales and send email from quotation then go to technical within settings to check Emails and Messages.

Go to Settings -> Technical -> Email -> Emails

Go to Settings -> Technical -> Discuss -> Messages

Go to Settings -> Users & Companies -> Companies

As per previous images go to sales and send email from quotation then go to technical within settings to check Emails and Messages.

Go to Settings -> Technical -> Email -> Alias Domains

As per previous images go to sales and send email from quotation then go to technical within settings to check Emails.

Go to Settings -> Users & Companies -> Companies

As per previous images go to sales and send email from quotation then go to technical within settings to check Emails.

Mail From Email By Company
This feature to auto-set email's email_from alias based on company-specific.
It provides an additional field to configure email_from alias under users
settings and it will auto-set based on the currently active company of the logged-in user.
When you click the checkbox for the flow of the "Mail From Email By Company" feature.

Go to Settings -> Users & Companies -> Users

Configuration of Companies, Incoming and Outgoing Mail Server and Alias Domain as per previous images.
As per previous images go to sales and send email from quotation then go to technical within settings to check Emails and Messages.

As per previous images go to sales and send email from quotation then go to technical within settings to check Emails and Messages.

Go to Settings -> Users & Companies -> Users

As per previous images go to sales and send email from quotation then go to technical within settings to check Emails and Messages.

Go to Settings -> Users & Companies -> Users

As per previous images go to sales and send email from quotation then go to technical within settings to check Emails and Messages.

Mail SMTP and IMAP + Alias Domain By Company Reply-to
This feature to support multiple domain and multi company reply-to emailing systems in support of Mail SMTP and IMAP + Alias Domain By Company Reply-to app.
It supports below listed scenarios
If a data record associated with alias and alias having company based domain name configured then alias@company->alias->alias_domain_name will set a reply-to email address.
If a data record associated with alias but alias doesn't have domain name configured then alias@user->current_company->alias_domain_name will set a reply-to email address.
If a data record doesn't associate to alias but is attached to a related company then catchall@company->alias->alias_domain_name on reply-to email address.
If a data record doesn't associate to alias nor attached to related company then catchall@user->current_company->alias->alias_domain_name on reply-to email address.
When you check the checkbox for the flow of the "Mail SMTP and IMAP + Alias Domain By Company Reply-to" feature.

Configuration of Companies, Incoming and Outgoing Mail Server and Alias Domain as per previous images.
Create email Aliases with selection of alias domain configured in previous step.

If a data record associated with alias and alias having company based domain name configured then alias@company->alias->alias_domain_name will set a reply-to email address.
Email compose box with all the email address (aliases) configured with different domain. so we can fetch incoming mail servers and pull the record company specific and domain specific.

Go to Settings -> Technical -> Discuss -> Messages.

If a data record associated with alias but alias doesn't have domain name configured then alias@user->current_company->alias_domain_name will set a reply-to email address.
Go to Settings -> Technical -> Email -> Aliases.
Create new alias.

As per previous images go to sales and send email from quotation then go to technical within settings to check Messages.

If a data record doesn't associate to alias but is attached to a related company then catchall@company->alias->alias_domain_name on reply-to email address.

As per previous images go to sales and send email from quotation then go to technical within settings to check Messages.

If a data record doesn't associate to alias nor attached to related company then catchall@user->current_company->alias->alias_domain_name on reply-to email address.

As per previous images go to sales and send email from quotation then go to technical within settings to check Messages.

When you check the checkbox for the flow of the "Mail SMTP and IMAP + Alias Domain By Company" feature.

If "Mail SMTP and IMAP + Alias Domain By Company" module is already installed then
the error while saving will show that this module is already installed.

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