Multi Company User Signature

Multi Company User Signature

Geminate comes with the feature of mutl company based user email signature where users can configure different email signatures for all the companies which they are allowed to work with either parent or child. so when sending an email out from odoo, it will pick the correct email signature configured under user settings and append that in the email. It helps you to digitize your personalized email signature company specifically where users can easily decide their opinion on which signatures are added for this company.
Exciting Features

Note: Extensively Tested on Odoo Vanilla with Ubuntu OS

Go to Settings -> Users & Companies -> Add multiple companies in 'Allowed Companies' field

Select a company and add digitized email signature in 'Multiple Company Email Signature'.

Click on 'Send by Email' button.

Click on 'Send' button

Email with body content and signature are can be visible in emails based on active company.

Company signature automatically appended in schedule activity wizard.

Switch a company and add a signature of selected switched company..

Create quotation of switched company.

Click on 'Send by Email' button.

Click on 'Send' button.

Email with body content and signature are can be visible in emails based on active company.

Company signature automatically appended in schedule activity.

Switch a default company and add a default signature of selected switched company.

Create quotation of switched company.

Click on 'Send by Email' button.

Click on 'Send' button.

Default company email with body content and signature can be visible in emails based on active company.

Default Company signature automatically appended in schedule activity wizard.

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