Product Line Qty on Hand & Forcasted Qty

Product Line Qty on Hand & Forcasted Qty

Geminate comes with a feature to review 'Qty on Hand' and 'Forecasted Qty' of selected product realtime while adding product lines on sale order, delivery order, purchase order or incoming shipment. benefit of this app is that you dont need to review back and forth on product formview to review 'Qty on Hand' and 'Forecasted Qty'. It will save a lot of time while placing an order and easy to use.
Exciting Features

Note: Extensively Tested on Odoo Vanilla with Ubuntu OS

1).Product (s):-

2). Create sale order with product lines. you can see, 'Qty on Hand' & 'Forcasted Qty' autoset on change of product. click on 'Confirm' button to generate delivery order.

3). Click 'Process' button to review delivery order.

4). Delivery order generated with 'Qty On Hand' and 'Forecasted Qty' fields passed from sale order lines.

5). Create purchase order with product lines. you can see, 'Qty on Hand' & 'Forcasted Qty' autoset on change of product. click on 'Confirm Order' button to generate receipts.

6). Click 'Process' button to review receipts.

7). Receiptsr generated with 'Qty On Hand' and 'Forecasted Qty' fields passed from purchase order lines.

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