Sale Order To Purchase Order Product Qty Merge Avoid

Sale Order To Purchase Order Product Qty Merge Avoid

Geminate comes with a feature to avoid the standard feature of odoo to auto merge product quantity of similar product on purchase order when purchase order is created automatically from sale order based on the configuration of 'Buy' and 'Make to Order' route through procurements.

Benefit of this feature is that you can easily keep all similar products separately with their individual quantity in purchase order and pdf report which helps to track them at the time of incoming shipment easily when you have ordered them in individual quantity as per your need.

Each sale order product line can easily be mapped visually with the related purchase order product line and their quantity.
Exciting Features

Note: Extensively Tested on Odoo Vanilla with Ubuntu OS

Go to Sales -> Products -> Products.

1. When checkbox is enabled.
Go to Purchase -> Configuration -> Settings.

Go to Sales -> Orders -> Quotations.

Go to Purchase -> Requests for Quotation.

2. When checkbox is disabled.
Go to Purchase -> Configuration -> Settings.

Go to Sales -> Orders -> Quotations.

Go to Purchase -> Requests for Quotation.

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