Website Sale Intercompany Buyer / Producer MultiDB - Buyer End

Website Sale Intercompany Buyer / Producer MultiDB - Buyer End

Geminate comes with a facility for Website Sale Intercompany Buyer / Producer MultiDB - Buyer End in which both buyer and producer databases are linked with each other. Buyer sells all the products but he doesn't maintain inventory of those products but realtime requests from the Producer End database. When buyer and producer both are interconnected with MultiDB to each other than product on hand quantity of Producer database listed in Buyer database on add to cart screen on the website.

=> Both the buyer and the producer have different databases where both have different companies and different websites but the buyer and producer databases are interconnected with the help of Website Sale Intercompany Buyer / Producer MultiDB - Buyer End.
=> Whenever an order is booked from the buyer's website and the buyer does not have the sufficient quantity of that product, clicking on the cart, a sale order is created. On confirmation of the sale order, a purchase order is triggered automatically against the Producer company because of Route and Reordering Rule configuration.
=> When the Purchase Order is confirmed inside the Buyer database, a sale order is created with the producer as a Customer inside the Producer database, in which the product and its quantity are available. so the sale order and its related delivery order will automatically be transferred which will reduce the quantity inside the Producer database. it starts appearing on the website so that the user can easily know how much quantity is left and how much can be bought.
=> On the other end, User needs to receive the incoming shipment of related purchase orders inside the Buyer database so stock will be updated and the original sale order of the actual customer can be fulfilled.

Benefit of this feature is, we can use B2B and B2C mechanism when one company functions as manufacturing plant and one company functions as retailer/wholesaler.

It can also be easily used for multi websites with the help of configurations.
Exciting Features

Note: Extensively Tested on Odoo Vanilla with Ubuntu OS

Note : 'Website Sale Intercompany Buyer / Producer MultiDB - Buyer End' that depends on 'Website Sale Intercompany Buyer / Producer MultiD - Producer End' so both are important to install in the database.
Buyer side Configuration

Go to Sales --> Customers.

Go to Inventory --> Products.

Go to Inventory --> Products.

Go to Inventory --> Configuration -->Reordering Rules.

Go to Website --> Configuration --> Websites.

Go to Website --> Shop.

Producer side Configuration

Go to Sales --> Customers.

Go to Inventory --> Products.

Go to Website --> Configuration -- > Websites.

Order Creation of Buyer.

Go to Sales --> Quotations.

Go to Purchase --> Requests for Quotation.

Order Creation of Producer.

Go to Sales --> Quotations.

The Available product quantity of the Producer gets attach to the Buyer's side.

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